Melbourne International Airport

We are available Monday to Friday during business hours and will do our best to answer queries posted on our Facebook page quickly. We do not share any personal information via the Facebook page. We cannot respond to requests for information about passengers. Flight arrival and departure information is available at

If you have comments, complaints or ideas including flight details, lost property or employment please contact us at

If you have a question or feedback about the Melbourne Airport draft Master Plan please contact us at

Melbourne Airport is committed to handling any comments or complaints via these mechanisms.


This page is designed to post accurate, timely and engaging information about our business for travellers, retailers and other members of the Melbourne Airport community to interact and share.

We will post advice, updates on our products and services, and travel information for visitors to the most liveable city in the world! We welcome and value your comments and questions and invite you to share your experiences and travel tips for other visitors to Melbourne Airport

We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions, and encourage constructive dialogue among users of this page. Please show respect to others and be mindful of your language.

Melbourne Airport asks that you respect our house rules and act responsibly. We reserve the right to report or block users and remove posts on our page if they do not comply with Facebook’s Terms of use if those posts include any of the following:

• Content which is offensive, abusive, obscene, harassing, profane, hateful, defamatory, threatening, discriminatory - including to other users or to our company.

• Spam, unsolicited ad, or links to third party websites.

• Personal information about yourself or an individual (such as descriptive references, private address or phone numbers).

• Content that infringes other people’s intellectual property rights.

• Multiple or repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple users.

Melbourne Airport does not accept responsibility or liability for the comments of users on this page.

We look forward to interacting with you and thanks for visiting our page!

Local business